Additional ProductsAir Make-Up
Our direct fired air make-up systems (by Titan Air) incorporate advanced components necessary for energy efficient, long term air quality. The direct fired burner offers 100% thermal efficiency, as opposed to 80% (nominal) efficiency for an indirect fired unit.
You can go from a spray mode of 70˚ to a curing temperature of 160˚ for a curing cycle in a matter of seconds. The standard burner for our booths are capable of raising the outside air temperature 140˚.
These units are simple to operate and easy to maintain. Overnight delivery of replacement parts from Wisconsin. |
Outside Installation |
Inside Installation |

Control Panel |
Sized for optimum performance and cost effectiveness |
Custom Designed and Engineered Ventilation Systems
Fiberglass spraying room for boat manufacturing application.
From initial design and engineering to installation of the finished product. |
300” x 125’ fiberglass spraying operation: entire building is a spray booth, and the ventilation system (including the building heating system and evaporative cooling) was designed, engineered, and installed by SK Bowling. |
Custom Designed and Engineered Ventilation Systems |
SK Bowling Company - 4475 Technology
Drive, Wilson, North Carolina (NC)
Phone: 252-243-2383
| Fax: 252-237-5289 |
Info@SKBowling.com |